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Join date: Apr 24, 2022


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How to set goals in the last months before the exam

Many graduates who started preparing for the Exam only in March set themselves unrealistic tasks to complete. Of course, there is a good expression - nothing is impossible. But the stock of knowledge and skill development is not enough to pass all the subjects for 100 points if the preparation took 3 months.

Rules that will help you set goals and priorities correctly:

1) set only realistic goals;

2) evaluate your strengths wisely and do not demand impossible tasks from yourself;

3) identify one area in which you want to succeed in the future;

4) pay close attention to those subjects that most influence admission;

5) never doubt your abilities, but do not overestimate them either;

6) set a time frame for each task, for example: “At the end of May, I will solve the Unified State Exam in social studies with 80+ points.” This will help you move towards your goal faster.

All these tips will help you set an adequate and realistic bar to achieve your goals. You always need to set ambitious goals, but only those that can be completed. So always ask yourself how you will achieve this. If the answer to the question is no, then most likely the goal is too high.

Thus, the last months before the exam can be spent with maximum benefit for yourself and make a contribution to future success. The main thing is not to waste this precious time in vain, so as not to regret it later. The guarantee of any success is a thoughtful plan of action and careful work. Only by diligence and diligence can you get the desired result. In preparation for the Unified State Exam, indeed, the strongest survive.

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