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Join date: Sep 16, 2021


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Paul Inouye has worked in technology banking on the west coast for over 30 years. He has a deep understanding of strategic and financial buyers, excellent negotiating skills, and a thorough understanding of the M&A process, making him a valuable asset to any organisation. M&A transactions for software and internet tech companies have been the centre of my work, and like many of my clients, I am an entrepreneur who owns my own M&A boutique. To ensure that my clients, who have worked hard for years to establish outstanding businesses, achieve a successful outcome is very important to me.

Paul Inouye, a businessman with over three decades of experience in the technology banking industry, offers advice on how to prepare for a successful merger and acquisition transaction. It was interesting to hear what processes software and SAAS companies follow to ensure a smooth and successful M&A transaction.

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Paul Inouye

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