Surprisingly, it was surprising to RuneScape gold discover that the Third Age armor was made from level 4 clue scrolls and not level 3, as all other sets. The set also had a a higher market value (245mil) than all the other 3rd-age gear, even though at first glance it doesn't seem much better than the other sets. This, along with the fact that the statistics of the latest set are comparable to sets such as proselyte armor, which is less expensive than the other sets, has caused some to claim that the set isn't as good. I disagree.
I see the Third-age Druidic Equipment having real potential. It is different from all other sets. The whole set (including staff and cloak) includes a 31-day prayer bonus, a +128 bonus for magic attacks and a +130 magical defence bonus.
If you take the cloak off, you receive a Soul Wars hat (reward from Nomad’s Requiem, +12 to prayer, and +8 to all defence stats), and you also have a fury (+5-to prayer, +10 magic attack and +15 defense), barrow gloves (+6 towards magic attack and defence), and infinityboots (+5 towards magic attack and defence) You can also get a bonus of +47 for prayer and a +77% bonus for magic attacks or a +61 bonus to your defence bonus for your prayers, a a a an a and
These are fantastic stats to consider praying and using magic at once. With a full proselyte and Crozier (plus the other items mentioned above that give best prayer and magic bonuses) You can enjoy a +44 prayer bonus, but only a -28 magic attack bonus and a +40 defense bonus. So, as you can observe the Third Age Druidic Equipment exceeds it's competitors when it comes to high-quality magic and prayer armor.
Ice Strikeworms is one area where I believe 3rd-age Druidic Equipment could be particularly beneficial. However, you would need to wear a fire cape rather than a Druidic or Soul Wars caped. You could make use of the soul split prayer (which heals you 1/5th) and then auto-cast fire surge to prevent you from dying. This same method could work for the majority of the Runescape bosses and I'm sure that it's applicable to a lot of Runescape monsters. If you are able to think of OSRS buy gold any in particular let me know.