Therefore you would visit these mountains and find a town with some king who thought adventurers were spies attempting to steal his gold or something (as the town could be prosperous with RuneScape gold golden mines).
In addition, in order to expand the map we could add another brand new kingdom besides the one mentioned before. This new realm could be located after the mountain pass (which would be very dangerous by the way) or in a huge island like karamja. But you are probably thinking" what will be the story behind this place?" .
So... to be able to get there you would also have to start a quest. At the first spot captain Ned in draynor will tell you there are stories of sailors locating an island which isnt in the maps but are afraid of moving there. Your duty is to go investigate! When you get about the island you find out people are diferent (cause they're japanese or chinese runescapians). This way we could also add samurai and ninja armour into the game as benefit in the quest. I hope that you guys like my thoughts about this and also please don't hesitate to provide your opinion! Or, in case you have a diferent and better idea please allow me to know.
This is part of my Mining mini-game idea. I thought this idea was good enough to maintain a seperate forum. If you wish to visit my Mining mini-game forum, then please go here. When your pickaxe's pick head flies off, you are left with Buy OSRS gold a pickaxe handle and the pick head which you just lost. Imagine if you can change the pickaxe handle, but maintain the pick mind. These distinctive pickaxe handles come in various sizes, shapes, and colours.